
March 8,2013

Plate works

Our school had an opening exhibit displaying our best plate works
to inspire high school students in their poster making contest 
that was held in our school. 

Here are some of the works displayed. 

Entrance. 4 of my paintings were hanged.
2 from my portraiture class 
 2 paintings from my composition 4 class.

my portrait paintings

here are some works from DMA1 students (Digital Media Arts)

Plates from my portraiture class. 
4 of my oil pastel portraits were displayed.

top: Left to Right 
Mine, Red, Mine

Bottom: Left to Right

medium: oil pastel 
Top drawing (my work)

close up or my oil pastel drawing

Poster Making Contest 
Our school had a poster making contest for high school students.

UPDATE: The chosen winner will have a scholarship in our school.
paintings (far left to right)
Harvey, cheng, cheng, mine

photography and photo manipulation 
Advertising and DMA students

by: DMA students

Harvey with his painting.

My latest piece. 

2 件のコメント:

  1. That's a cool contest! I'd love to see that exhibition :)

    1. It is, and the best part is...the winner will have a scholarship
      in our school :D
